Tayport Light House

I had a few hours to kill while my wife was out with her cousins for a meal , so I always fancied getting a photo of the Tayport Light House but never new how to get to it . So after dropping them off I headed to Tayport looking for the road that may take me down to the light house, but to know avail . My only option I could see was cycle path that I could see headed in that general direction however the only place I could park the car which was adjacent to the cycle path was the local graveyard. So I parked up and climbed over the fence to join this cycle path which did lead down to the light house. There was a road but when I returned to the car I drove further I could not see the road that could take me down there for future shots , So If I go back which I would like to , the graveyard will have an extra guest. 

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