Raindrops keep falling
It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn't know what I was doing in New York.
A day of training. Today is hot and humid. I lunch in the training building. As I leave in the evening, the heavens open and torrents of water tumble from the sky accompanied by lightning and thunder.
I pull over. I call Angus and commiserate on him not getting the apprenticeship he applied for. He still wants a job in Edinburgh, so if any of you have one ...
In Phoenixville, Keith, Joanne and I head into the rain, a triumvirate of unbrellas. We drink beer at Foodery, a new deli, and then proceed to Molly McGuires, where we eat resolutely un-Irish dishes accompanied by Guiness.
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