Bird or plane?

We finally got to make the annual pilgrimage to the Isle of May, sailing from Anstruther at about 13:45. On arrival we were attacked as usual by the arctic terns who nest on the slope up to the visitor centre. We weren't anticipating a totally unprovoked attack from a lesser black-backed gull, who, being foiled in his attempt to claw off our hats crapped profusely all over us instead.  Apart from that it was a glorious day and we saw approximately a gazillion delightful puffins, along with razorbills, guilliemots, fulmars, shags and kittiwakes.

We got back to harbour slightly later than we'd anticipated, so had to get the car club car back to its home and got our fish supper in Leith rather than Anstruther.

(The extra is for any brick geeks who might be lurking.....)

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