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By sgall18

Happy Gosling

The last I saw of this Goose it was following my 3 adult Geese, but the following morning it was snuggled up to the mesh with these 3 11 day old incubator hatched Runner chicks! I'm pleased it's settled so today as it's was so warm I let them out on to the pond for the first time. of coarse they were frightened as there s large Carp swimming around and underneath them but at least they had a quick wash and cooled down!
Not sure what had happened to my Bluebell hen I thought she was sun bathing as her wing was out but as she hadn't moved far and was in the sun I looked to find her leg wasn't working / paralysis/ heat stroke??, she d been fine and has been eating and drinking so I googled it and it may be poisoned by something. ?? Had antibiotics left over so added some to water also gave yogurt / milk as website i just hope she improves tomorrow.

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