More hedgehogs!

All of a sudden my life is filled with hedghogs!  

I took Ted out about 6.30 this morning and noticed a small hedgehog near the road, he was still there when I came back, along with his Mother.  As I approached she scuttled off under the fence so I went over to encourage him to follow and found he was stuck by grass and poo that had wound itself round his leg.  I got him loose but is leg was trailing so I picked him up and took him home.  One of our neighbours, Ivy, is our resident hedgehog expert, she has lots in her garden and Tiggywinkles sometimes bring her over some to look after.  I took the little one to see Ivy and we bathed his leg and got all the gunk off, he was walking around just fine.  

Last evening in the garden there was another hedgehog, which Ted was barking at, so now I had two in a crate plus Mr Poorly Leg and then this afternoon another one turned up in the garden....that made 4.....went to water the allotment and found another one by the side of the now I have 5.   Ivy says they are this years babies, and by coincidence, Steve Backshall was doing a programme about HH this evening!  

We have got them a shelter, food and water in the garden and let them all go this evening.  I hope they all make it!

Oh and the freezer gave up the ghost!


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