Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Hot .... dog

My neighbour came up with a good idea to cool your dog down - wet a tea towel (old one) and place over their back. I was unsure if Lili would tolerate this - but as you can see she did! Made her stop panting and she even lay down with it on to chill :)

A day today of "different" things to my usual Tuesday routine.

* Walked Lili - short walk due to the heat;
* Had breakfast - don't usually if going to weighing group;
* Went off to WI - FORGOT TO TAKE MY PHONE ...... I did have a little panic and then recalled the times when we didn't have mobiles and survived!
*Dropped into my supermarket for a quick shop, and as usual a Starbucks - NO HOT DRINKS AVAILABLE - they had a mechanical fault with the machine ....!
* Quick lunch then off for a pamper session.
* Visit to mum - it was hot in the home even with fans on, so the Manager came round with ice lollies. I fed one to mum and she loved it :)
* Back home briefly before taking Lili to the vets - she has a whole host of allergies that she has had de-sensitising treatment for, but like hay fever some you can't cure so she has the equivalent of an anti-histamine. Called the vets to get a repeat and as she hadn't been seen by the vet for over 6 months had to book an appointment! Just under £100 later home with tablets, plus wormer, flea and tick tablets....

Back to work tomorrow .....

Still too hot - would like some rain (just to cool the air)


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