
By Moiety

Waiting for news from the hospital

I have been quite  restless because of Paula being at the hospital, hence the window washing spree. - Later in the morning I got a message from the hospital that I am now the grandmother of a little baby boy: 48cm and 2800g are the strategic measurements.

We had a tyky-evening this evening at Viikinsaari with a nice three-course dinner and a play at the summer theatre. I bragged about being a granny to all my workmates of course.

' The Man Who Couldn't Say No' was based on a film directed in 1975 by Risto Jarva. The play was also set into the 70s, as was the soundtrack ( can you use this term with a play?) which was composed of beautiful songs by Kaj Chydenius, but spoiled by a rock band that overrode the singers.

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