Birthday Cake

It's her favouritest persons birthday and she isn't here.... so Katie is enjoying a piece of cake in her honour!

She sent B a birthday video this morning, which she was super pleased to do as she played her the appropriate piece! She then helped me finish a tutu I've been working on by putting up with my glue gun fixing stuff to the leo before I hand stitched it.

They seem to have had a fairly good day at school - "we watched the y4 handball tournament so we could see how it was done properly". She said they did time in maths but she "was rubbish at it".

She's just finished her last piano lesson hefore her exam on Monday. She's doing really well going in happily with the new teacher and just getting on with it. She showed her the piece she decided at the weekend to learn and worked hard the whole lesson. M said "I wish my pupils were this well prepared for their exams".

Off now to eat more of Bs raspberries!

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