Good news

Overwhelmingly good news - Thanks to a very special friend who has coordinated a local Facebook appeal to help find Mum's missing Parrot and has also spent many hours comforting my Mum and searching on foot - The parrot was sighted. Thanks to her quick reaction, Mum arrived (part dragged due to her forgetting to take her walking stick!) on the scene and managed to entice the fly-away out of a tree. It is now safely back home and eating grapes after it's enormous adventure!!

First bit of good news in a while.

I took Billy out and about and had him in canter a couple of times and as a reward we returned via the beach where he just loved splashing about up to his belly. Swimming next time!

I have again managed to pick up a last minute shift from old job new job still hasn't materialised...even though the missing bit of paperwork was emailed across yesterday. Approaching 13 weeks now and a very financially hard 2 months.

Anyway...have a daisy.

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