Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Enough already!

Quelle surprise. Ive just fallen down a rabbit hole and cracked my ankle something awful in the middle of a gorse bush while some clay pigeon shooters are due to imminently arrive for a shoot out with me looking like a good target before I can escape away with the dogs. Nothing else for it but to do the sharp intake of breath through the pain, followed by an epic out loud bubble, followed by a massive fu**ety f**k swearathon of frustration, followed by phoning sam to come help me. He fashioned me a gandalf staff bless him and I've just crawled down the hill, ankle elevated, ice applied, swelling up as standard, throbbing peaking as per usual. I'm sore, but i don't think my little diva princess bubble on top of a hill was entirely about my stupid weak ankles, it's about the way of the world at the moment, it's about the overstretched, underpaid and exhausted emergency services, its about the idiocy of Brexit, the incomptence, ineptitude and irresponsibility of the Tory party, the culpability of the media in stoking hate, the utter unfathomable decisions that led to the Grenfell Tower deaths and the utter lack of immediate support given afterwards. But bubbling isn't going to make a difference, the weak ankled fool that I am.

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