At the end of the last school year I was asked to coach the Cross Country team which involves many more hours after work and every Saturday and some overnights up until November. After much discussion and thinking I finally agreed and today we had our first Cross Country meeting so we headed to the Netherlands early this morning. The course was absolutely beautiful through woods and fields and the weather, if anything, was too warm (not like the wet, cold and muddy cross countries that I remember from my youth).
The kids performed superbly winning two of the four races (individually), two second places, one third place and a strong team performance. They were a delight to be with and I thoroughly enjoyed being part of the running scene again.

In my absence my husband had a great time with the kids going to Olivia's dance class, playground, soft play and to get Olivia's bike fixed - the brakes were too tight and it was really tough to turn the back wheel, poor little thing (we thought she was just a bit weak!).

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