
By Munroist4113


After a good play in the pool after breakfast, the family decided to head for Perigeaux for lunch. They were able to park close to the castle but that's the disadvantage of the camper van - it is too big for normal parking spots. Eventually we found a space on the street about 1.5 miles from the centre. We met up at a little cafe which produced beautifully presented plates of cheese, ham, salad etc, which we ate with bread and water. After eating the boys were very keen to e plots the "castle" - actually the cathedral. James told us to be quiet so not to disturb the dragons. He was very interested in the lighted candles, wondering whose birthday it was.

Unfortunately the long walk back to the van was really draining. The interior of the van was 40 degrees, so we were very glad to get back for a dip in the pool - we'd had the cold hose going in so it was very refreshing. Normally it has felt like getting into soup. James is getting settled in and both boys are loving running and jumping in the pool.
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