
By SueScape


Simulacrum meaning likeness or representation.

In psychotherapy this word is used for a form or image depicted in nature, in this case in tree bark. Used a bit like ink blots, a whole session can revolve round the meaning of such simulacra for the patient.

What do you see here? Answers should be spontaneous, not considered. Bypassing the thought process by using images brings the patient closer to the unconscious which is where most clues reside, leading to psychological awareness.

My initial response is The Scream after Edvard Munch. At the moment I'm reading a rather hairy murder mystery, which may account for that. A lot of people I've shown it to seem to see soft and cuddly creatures.

To add to the interpretation, if you look at my Blipfolio, Argyll, you can see more of the tree and decide if it reminds you of something different and altogether cheekier [and you thought this was serious ....]

Or maybe tree bark is just tree bark .....

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