A chain (?) of Provosts

Today, after a series of meetings, I joined some colleagues at the Scottish Parliament to meet the Minister for Childcare and Early Years to talk about the Parliament's Education and Skills Committee report on the children's hearings system. Some constructive discussions.

Then off to near Irvine in a North Aysheire. In 45 minutes I had travelled 5 miles so progress was slow. but after that traffic flowed well.

Arrived in good time for 7pm and the attendance by 3 Provosts. For the first time for a recognition event all three areas which make up Ayrshire Area Support Team were coming together to mark the service of volunteers. Their periods ranged from 5 to 20 years. Indeed at least one had served 10 years or so in other panel areas.

Each Provost handed over the certificates to the volunteers from their area and we then had an enjoyable buffet to network.

A lovely event and inspiring to see the volunteering contribution of all volunteers in different roles.

An easy drive home and back by 11pm.i

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