The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

This Little Piggy Went to Market....

I went to pay the farmer for the use of the camp site for the weekend and I had to go down the farm with Mrs BM. While we were there he showed us his newest addition to his herd of pigs, eleven day old piglets.
He also has three other Sows that will give birth within the next few days, and he expecting 40 little piglets, that 160 pitter patter of little trotters around the farm

We also went to the hospital tonight to see Tom, Mrs BM's brother, he is not a well man, in fact he is dangerously ill, he is continuing with Dialysis, trying to cleanse his blood and then they will try to get his Kidneys working again, before they can repair his Heart.
Our thoughts and prayers are with him.

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