Wooden heart.

Went to the gym this morning, and saw Des and Mike, so I had to spread myself thin! I haven't seen much of Des since he came back from his hols, so he was telling me all about it today. He went with his wife, daughter, son-in-law and their children, and one particular day ,they were all around the pool, when Des decided to go up on the water slide. He said it took him ages to climb to the top, and off he went.  Apparently, you have to cross your arms over his chest, as you descend..  What he didn't realize , was  that when are nearing the end of the slide, you are supposed to sit up, and slide gently into the water, But not Des! He shot off into the deep end, and was completely out of his depth. The lifeguard, blew  his whistle, and carried him out, He was mortified, and told not to go on there again. It could only happen to Des, but he does make me laugh. He offered me a lift home, but I declined as  I  wanted to go into town.  I  did some shopping, and caught the bus home,

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