A quiet but busy day

Up dressed and munchie dropped to school
Home for short time then off to swimming
Fabulous swimming from little man again - so so proud. He finished the lesson by jumping in on his own accord!
From here we went to m&s to return all the uniform I wasn't going to keep.
Decided that woms swimming was so good that we would go to the pub for lunch.

He loved it
He had a lemonade with ice!
Followed by ham egg and chips. This was a child's portion, it was enormous!

He fell asleep around 2:15, I carried him to the car asleep, carried him from car to munchies school still asleep, collected munchie, then got him into the car to come home stlll asleep. Put him back on sofa where I had moved him from 30 minutes previous and he slowly woke up.

Munchie was very industrious tonight. She wrote 4 birthday cards. The one she is writing is for a little man who is soon to be six. Wonder who that could be.

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