The Pose Of A Pro

And the result too!

The Cygnets school sports day today.
I thought last year was a shambles - but this year really took the biscuit.
My vote goes to Humphrey's Mum and the rest of the PTA (or whatever they are called these days) to organise it. They certainly manage to get things running properly whenever they are in charge of an event.

Talking of running ........... He may not be the fastest ,  he is not the slowest (and refuses to cheat by holding on to the ring and never let it fall) but he loves every minute of sports day and fair bounces along even is he doesn't have quite the grace and control as Humphrey.

But I did have to leave early as the hanging about was killing my back and Squirrel was not feeling too great. Hopefully she will be feeling better for her sports day next week.

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