The Black Mount

An early start for a walk with the Bogmeister - who excelled himself with the choice of bog!
We set off up the hill from Achallader Farm and had some lovely subtle views north-west to the Blackmount where the sun was beaking through the clouds. Unfortunately it became more cloudy (and windy later) and squelching through the bogs took most of the concentration.
The target was Ben Mhanach, which hides itself away in the midst of the hills and so means a long walk, and an "up, down, up" the way we went. Despite trying to do my knee a serious injury by finding a deep hole to fall into - saved by my walking poles - the top was reached and we actually had a bit of a view.
Back down at the bottom there were shafts of light coming through the clouds and shining on Loch Tulla.

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