I had an absolute disaster of a morning. I had jump/run out of bed as I over slept, a quick shower, a run round the house picking up things, oven on for an attempt at cooking the croissants in time and all this whilst shouting at Phil to get up. We made it out the door (without the croissants being done) and made it about a mile down the road before we ran out of petrol. I had to run to the nearest atm to get out some money for petrol, the car started and we eventually got to a petrol station (whilst shouting at anyone that got in the way).

Esther kindly picked me up from the petrol station. I ended up only being 10/15 mins late. I think that is an achievement.

We did the rounds to pick up Tom and Gareth and went on our way to Southampton for our first Team days. We are staying in a couples house... It's SO nice and they are lovely. About 10 of us have just taken it over for 2 days. We had a talk by Dave Bish, lunch, another talk, a walk to find a coffee shop, dinner and chats. I then nearly died laughing so hard at Liesl hiccupping whilst pumping a lilo... a hilarious scenario.

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