The Koningshavenbrug called 'De Hef', Rotterdam

Koningshaven = King's Wharf, and the bridge is called De Hef, or 'the Lift', as in lifting something heavy.  'Hef' is where you get the English work 'heave'.  Dutch isn't so difficult, once you get the hang of it.

Corrected the exams of one first-year class this morning, then drove to work because I had appointments with students.  Everyone is rushing to meet MY deadline ... haha!  No one has any excuse to complain as I've been extremely generous.  The deadline given by practically all my Communications colleagues for the academic writing portfolio for the third-year students was last Friday, 16 June.  It seems I'm the only one who gave a 30 June deadline, but that was because I knew we were going to move house and I didn't want too many things happening all at the same time.  Of course, I didn't have to explain that to either the colleagues or the students as it's none of anyone's business.  There are quite a number of things I do my own way, and I'm able to arrange things to suit my situation, something I appreciate.

This was shot right on the Erasmusbrug, or Erasmus Bridge, while waiting for the traffic lights to turn green.  No matter how many shots I might make of Rotterdam, I still cannot say that I like it.  Too industrial for my taste, too much concrete and steel, too much grey.

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