AliBee76's Project 365

By alibee76

260/366 - Spider's web

A lovely lazy morning feeling super tired as I had a night out in Leeds last night. A group of ladies with LO's the same age as madam. We met on an website when we were all pregnant over 5 years ago.... madness how time flies!! This group of ladies, some of whom I have never met, have been a real support for one another over these years, through highs and lows, worrying and happy times. Some of whom I now class amongst my closest of friends :o) So lovely to meet new faces last night. Needless to say I was up with the lark with madam in the morning, yawn!!!! so as I say it was a lazy morning.

In the afternoon madam was supposed to be going to a party. One of her new school friends had invited her. Someone misread the time on the invite and caused madam to miss it. Ahem, I don't know who that was. Let's just say I am in the bad books.

As the rain was taking a slight break, I noticed a spider's web with lovely droplets on. Out came my macro filter and this was the result.

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