Red House Roof (Day 7)

A flat roof and a tilted world; well, if you spend enough time up on the roof perspectives can get a bit mixed up. Fortunately, gravity acts a reminder of the reality of the situation.
A good day on the roof - in fact such a good day that I didn't stop until 10 o'clock in the evening, when all my fuel finally ran out. I came in, ate the dinner Jan cooked as I showered. We celebrated the Midsummer holiday with a G&T and then headed for the TV sofa, where I fell asleep!  Eventually, I crawled into bed and slept very soundly all night.  No time/energy for a blip!!
As expected when I woke this morning it was raining and my body felt very happy to be having a day off from the tilted world!
The roof is now completed covered in the waterproof membrane, and half the counter battens (running from the base of the roof to the ridge) are in place. The tarpaulin (just an extra safety measure now) is re-positioned so it doesn't hang down in front of the windows and door, because we have visitors staying in the house for a couple of days.

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