
By Frogbit


I decided to walk the scenic route to my checkup appointment at the surgery.  En route I encountered a pal who lives round the corner pruning back the foliage which was growing into the path from his garden so we got chatting about things horticultural. He has a bit of an enthusiasm for propagating hostas and on my way back he invited me in to see this year's crop - hundreds of huge plants, lots of different cultivars and only about 3 with any sort of slug damage. He spends hours each night with a torch and bucket going through pot by pot to remove any unwise enough to have a go. On my way out I admired some old tiles piled up by the green house, covered in moss and dirt. 'You can have those' he said, 'been meaning to get rid of them since we moved in'. I'm a sucker for pretty tiles so I brought the car back later to pick them up - just 8 altogether and a bit chipped but they are genuine Minton encaustic. Now I just need to decide what to do with them.

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