Christmas .....
...... present!!
Just redeemed this lovely treat from friends( a Christmas present ) I took my great friend " C "with me as she had been such a support this year, but then she always is, we enjoyed afternoon tea in Pembury Kent . As we were early we thought it would be nice to have a stroll around the Pantiles in Royal Tonbridge Wells, but wouldn't you just know it , cars were nose to tail so we then needed to continue on our way. Turning round 3/4 times asking the way the same amount of times latter we finally arrived. It would have been so much easier to have stayed on the route, hey ho! I love sitting in traffic wasting petrol??
Before we came home we popped into a garden centre to get a birthday present , rather belated , and we delivered said gift to a highly delighted gent. So that made my day complete.
The weather has been rather dull but dry and a reasonable temperature but it would have been nice to have a glimmer of sun .
Thankful ..... for good friends.
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