
By RaceyTrace333

Our last minutes together.......

Well the time has come to drop Roxy off at my friends. Poor Roxy was talking to me when I was packing today. It was so sad, brought a tear to my because she knew.

I dropped her off with toys at Debbie's and a large bin of food for her. We had lots of cuddles and she would not get off my lap. Do I thought I would take a photo on my mobile of us having our last cuddle.

I am all packed. What fun that has been, put things in the case, and took bits out to remain in my weight, as only want to take 1 main case in way out. What I have not got I will get there.

The next time I blip I will be on the other side, although blip will be taken this side.
I will be blipping hopefully daily once sorted. You will be pleased to know my first week there looks wet and stormy! I am not good with storms!

See you all soon ............

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