Poor little beautiful mouse
It's the second week on the row I've noticed a deceased mouse on the tow path, very sad but such a beautiful creature and in a way such sightings make me realise how rare it is not to see them moving.
MrH came back from work very tired a couple of days ago and unusually for him slept in this morning. He was a bit *lot* of a grumpus for most of the day, lack of food and lack of sleep can affect him very, very significantly, he ended up wearing shades at one point even though he was inside and despite not having a headache he was very light sensitive- all a bit different.
My big positives of the day were managing a decent walk, making a superb Thai inspired curry ready for tomorrow, I just need to add spinach, it smells spicy and coconutty and is completely meat free which is great.
I had a chippie supper and watched the Foo Fighters playing at Glastonbury which was, in my opinion, much better than Radiohead the previous night.
Today I watched a video of me 'working', it was a massive eye-opener for me and I hope to learn from it. I came across as very confident using lots of hand gestures and a whole range of facial expressions as I talked at speed but I'm so busy talking that my poor clients can't get a word in it seems (well to me) despite feedback that I'm a good listener- hopefully I'll improve as a result.
Looking at the positives I was pleased to see how confident I looked, it was a surprise. I am the first speaker on at a two day national conference in a couple of weeks and I'm excited but nervous at the same time.
I am hoping to start yoga again next week (last session I did was in January). Followers of my blip will know I slipped a disc in my neck in January (although I didn't realise this was what it was for a few weeks), I was on very heavy pain relief medication which meant I could not drive so I was signed off work. For a month my life revolved around 'pain management' and I was getting about two hours of sleep a night, it was not nice. Whilst off work a very heavy three part wooden ladder fell on my head from a height, splitting my head at the back which I had to have stapled closed. I then, unexpectedly had another couple off issues, the biggest challenge being anemia which seriously sapped me of energy. I've been taking loads of iron for over a month now and slowly I am getting better. It's been a big, significant and unexpected journey for me but hugely valuable and whilst I am sill making sense of it all I know I'm going to emerge from this a much better person (bold statement I know). Such disasters are sometimes opportunities to engage with the world in a very different way and allow us to break unhealthy habits and re-evaluate what is important. Circle of life ?
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