
Today is a special day. It's my 7th blip birthday and it is the day, Amselkind flew for the first time.

Before it flew for the first time, it spent a night on my balcony - I discovered it on the tiles last night just before dark. Of course first thing this morning I was checking on it and couldn't see it. Thought it had already flown out.
Had the balcony door open and went back to breakfast in the kitchen. Mama and Papa Amsel were making a lot of noise and then Amselkinds tiny little voice was heard, too. Close, very close. Too close.

I had to check on that....and found Amselkind in the living room! It was sooo cute! But scared, I think. I helped it back on the balcony, where it sat for another minute or so and then went straight down the edge and flew on the gras (with me watching and applauding - perfect little flyer!).

It was sitting on the grass for another little while before it disappeared in the bushes. Not sure if there are more little ones left in the nest or if they've already flown out. I'll keep an eye on the nest.

Now Amselmama and Amselpapa have at least one toddler on the ground they have to feed for another while.

I was so excited!!!

No photos of Amselkind in the living room; had to keep an eye on it as it was trying to hide behind the furniture, which would have been a problem. But it left neat little white droppings....

19:35; 24°C

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