Self-Conscious Frog

Went to work, worked, somewhat, went back home, but not before passing by the old house to check for mail.  An uneventful day and it wasn't till this evening that I took shots of a couple of frogs in the backyard.  It was hubby who called me to come out and try to catch them before they hopped away.  This one was quite exposed, and then I think he felt exposed, so he sought cover under the strawberry leaves.

Picked up my second-year exams but I must say I wasn't in the mood to start correction work.  There are those days when you just know you're in the mood to imitate your own students.

When I was at the old place, I noticed the golden apricots and alerted hubby when I got home.  I believe he'll take a look tomorrow.  The tree looks positively loaded.

Cooler today, which is not a bad thing.

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