Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


So right about now (9.30am) I am meant to be doing last checks on the car and making sure that we have everything before 'bugging out' and driving to Somerset - todays blip would have been another lovely shot of our tent but well in a campsite :(

But instead I am sat on the sofa with a cup of tea and catching up on last nights Xfactor. Popping out shopping in a bit to get some food and then we will make a flask of tea and head to Shipley Country Park with Ferd and his favourite tennis ball.

Because of the money that we have lost I was debating if I was going to be able to go to the next spoonieparty meet (this one in London) and book into a hotel as when I looked into hotel Dad and checked the train times discovered that there will be engineering works and my train ticket would actually be a bus ticket for part of the way - I dont 'do' buses (well except when I lived in Oxford loved getting the coach into London used to drop me off at Marble Arch). Anyway using my birthday as justification, leaving OH at home to look after mini zoo (no more disappointments and lost money that way) and erm beating OH with a stick (not really) to get a commission finished so he will get paid in time for me to have his hard earned pennies :D I am going so I will at least get a mini break this year - poor Mr Mouse on the other hand :'(

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