Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

New Life at the Yard

There's something inherently endearing about a new foal.  All legs, limpet like against his mother's side, getting a good photograph is particularly difficult.  The mare will inevitably place her bulk between danger and her new charge.

I spent a few minutes attempting a clear shot of the foal and while in the end I did succeed, this was what I remember, the curiosity of new life being tempered by the mare.

L and a friend took the opportunity of a ride over the adjacent Teddesley Park, a private estate, not normally open to horse and rider.  It also gave me an opportunity to revisit an area I hadn't walked across for more than 20 years, at a time I was investigating noise complaints by the previous estate owner.  There have been various proposals to turn parts of the estate into a golf course, or renovate the old derelict hall into a luxury hotel.  Nothing has come of these plans as yet.

I've added a couple of extras showing the landscape, as it is still a fine example of parkland design and the sky was quite dramatic giving rise to showers at regular intervals.

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