Life with Alice

By elirin


I am fine snoozing in the morning, and in the afternoon if we've been walkies, but evenings are play time! Especially if we haven't been outside a lot because of adverse weather conditions. Like today. Ahem.

For some reason, during my best training/playing hours, mum more often than not wants to watch TV. I have a feeling we mentioned this recently. Sometimes a TV night is nice, when we've had a full day and there are treats or chews. But on a not very exciting day, I keep getting her to Play With Me!

I sit just next to her on the floor with pleading eyes. I nudge her gently. I nudge her harder. If she keeps ignoring me, I bark once or twice. I get on my hind legs and check if there is something on the sofa table I can snatch. I nudge again. And bark.

I usually win. We do a bit of training, she hides treats in socks or toys or gives me a chew. This one was unusual because it was green and lasted the whole evening.

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