And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Peasholm park in sepia!

Hello guys and dolls hope your all well, my heads sooo much better im pleased to inform! sad news today as a great blipper is leaving :o( good luck love and we will miss you!!! Me and Dave not forgetting Ash went for a lovely walk this morning it was lovely cool fresh and blue sky's, perfect. Ash found a football and that were it, he was off it was my turn to kick the ball and it went in the beck oops a daisy! Didn't bother Ash though he followed it tail a wagging he couldn't manage to get it back out and he wasn't happy boy. Guna do last of me jobs then read my book.

chicken in a creamy sauce with thick spaghetti, with a touch of paprika mm mm its sublime and a winner every time

love c x x x

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