Thunderbolts & Lightening

Well the forecast for today was right!!

Woke up to dark heavy skies but still very warm so we ventured out with brolly in hand.....just got into the small side alleyways when the heavens opened, lots of flashes, followed by crash bag wallops!!

We huddled together half inside a window overhang trying to stay dry...the lady inside the shop knocked on the window to us, I turned around expecting her to invite us inside, only to see her point at our umbrella and the rain which had run off it and down her precious window, gesturing for us to move away!!! Cheeky beggar, I was gobsmacked...... when the rain stopped I almost shook my brolly several times in the general direction......needless to say we were soaked!

It stopped and started on and off up until mid afternoon when the sun came out......we had lunch and a mojito before walking back to the hotel. Hub didn't feel too good when we got back so we are staying put with room service tonight.

Today's stormy shot is just on my iphone as didnt want to risk getting my camera drenched! Incidentally, it's developed a problem. The control dial isn't working so I can't change f stop nor shutter speed in manual! It's happened before but I've always managed to free it up, but not this time :-( Think a trip to Jessops beckons, hopefully won't have to send it away !!!

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