Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Origin of My Awesomeness

Mr. Badger and I had planned on going down to visit my parents today after Mr. Badger got back from the LAN party. I called my Mum early in the morning and she told me how she and my Dad were already planning on coming up our way for some errands and if it would be alright if they could come for a visit. Of course! We had some lunch together, chatted for a bit, and then headed out to Griffin Park for a walk (without Mr. Badger, he was falling asleep - that's what happens when you stay up until 5:30am >:[!). Absolutely beautiful late summer/early fall day for a walk. Afterwards we grabbed some frozen treats from the little farm stand next to the park, yum! Pictured are my parents trying to enjoy their delicious treats and instead getting a camera aimed at their faces. We headed back to my place, dropped off Corra and than went to check out some shops. I picked up some random things at the new Good Will by us - including a big fluffy, purple bunny for Corra. It was a huge hit when I gave it to her. Even Loki was trying to steal it :3 All in all, a really nice day!

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