Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Back to November!

Well, the forecast did promise heavy rain and temperatures feeling distinctly cool...and it sure hit the nail on the head today! I've been wearing my waterproof winter coat and could have happily worn my gloves. Crazy, one extreme to the other after last week!! 

I have attached an extra photo today showcasing the work of one of the children in my class. It acts as a sample of the work each child has produced over the course of this afternoon, and Monday afternoon. They've been researching dogs and creating their own fact files. I am very impressed! It is easy to forget they are only 6 and 7 years old - they're little stars really!

Fearless was great last night, even if it leaves you with many a question at the end of each episode...I guess that is what makes it so good! I am very much looking forward to Broken tonight, will it be as heartbreaking as last week?!

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