Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Once A Week 2017 ~ #22 ~ 10:49 AM

The weather continues charming. Completely unlike what one usually experiences in June around here. The best part of all is that the nights are so cool! That said, proper summer weather is supposed to return on Thursday, or so we are told.

Oh, and I keep forgetting to mention, not more than a couple of days after I remarked on the fact that the farmer hadn't cut the hayfield we routinely walk through on our regular constitutional... he cut it. But for some reason left an island of hay/weeds down near where we emerge from the woods, so that's nice I guess. Some flowers for the bugs and bugs for the birdies. Also, the yellow looking grass in this photo, btw, is hay that is usually cut at some point. Some point that seems not yet to have arrived.

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