
By AprilJane

Harry Potter. Again.

Our second visit - this time with my brother and his partner Tony, and our friend Keith. I took about 200 photos (last time my camera went dead about 1/4 of the way through...) but had to pick this one of Bellatrix Lestrange's teeth. I love the character, the actress and absolutely adore the caption on the box.

Had a wonderful day - we are Harry Potter geeks and it was lovely to go with special family and friends.

Felt like I'd run a marathon by the time we got in (we were walking around for about five hours though I hear the record is eight) and was no in the mood for the usual Sunday night complaining!

Al and I are listening to the audio CD of The Philosopher's Stone in the car on the way to EH in the morning. I'm still impressed by how many seemingly small moments in the first book ('the wand chooses the wizard' and Harry catching the snitch in his mouth, and several others) are pivotal to the unfolding story, right to the very end. Someone told me that JK Rowling was the first billionaire author, and I don't know if it's true or not but I think she deserves every penny. To see how many children (including my own) have been inspired to read, to write, to tell stories, to love magic and make believe - she has truly earned whatever she has!

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