Big Bird...Small Boy

I took Merrick down to the Metropark today to see some giant horses. They brought in some Clydesdales, and they let people pose by them.

The problem? Late last night, the puppy Charley was gnawing on the cord of my laptop. I jerked it out of her mouth...and over went my computer...falling about 3 feet. So, I think the laptop is history. 2nd problem? I took the horse picture with my Nikon, and all my Nikon software is on the laptop. Luckily, Merrick had been using my Canon all day, so we had a few pictures to pick from for this photo-shopped blip.

I asked Merrick to pose like the owl with his "wings" outstretched, and this is what he gave me. Have you ever seen a smiling owl?

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