
For about a year now, whenever Olivier gets too intense (hyperactive, naughty, tired, whining, etc.), I've been doing resets with him: we go to his bed or mine, and lie down, sometimes with music, to relax and restart our day. Today, he came home from daycare grumpy and difficult. And then he asked me to join him in bed. So we went, and relaxed a few minutes, and then the day went better. It's the first time he's asked for a reset, and I was so proud of him!

In other news, Henri got his first official letter today. It felt strange and real at the same time, this official acknowledgment of his arrival in our little family. He struggled most of the day with tummy cramps, so there were a lot of snuggles. As for me, I left him for a whole 90 minutes while I visited my osteopath to deal with a backache, the remnants of pregnancy and c-section. I felt naked without him. Like my arms didn't know what to do anymore.

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