Wide Angle Wednesday: Empty Festival Site
Our Wednesday for looking after Sophie and, as it's been a wet one, we took her to the soft play centre at Shepton Mallett, where we all wore ourselves out.
The route takes us right past the sight of the Glastonbury Festival, where clearing up operations are in full swing, with a flotilla of lorries and vans leaving the site loaded with all the equipment and paraphernalia needed to sustain 150,000 plus people during the past week.
In the shot, you can make out part of the perimeter fence beneath the treeline on the far hill, the rows of tepees and various structures on different parts of the site.
The E is for Empty and the end of wide Angle Wednesday challenges for June. Thanks as ever to BobsBlips for hosting.
As I type, I'm listening to Sophie giving a non-stop running commentary as she plays with her dolls house and its occupants; she's been totally absorbed in her play for a good 45 minutes now and hasn't stopped telling the story of her game or holding a conversation with her toy figures the whole time. Simply marvellous to listen to her imagination spilling out.
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