Oddball day

Had to take chubby hubby to Oban to try on the dam kilt again! This one fitted so that was something. Decided to go for something to eat but at quarter to twelve were told lunches weren't served yet ! Welcome to Scotland! Finally after getting some sustenance we went shopping for hooch for the wedding. Still much to get, food, hooch, snacks, hooch, bog roll,  napkins did I mention hooch. ! 
Back down then an appointment to get my lugs syringed, now I can hear the grass growing, then a doctors appointment with some uncomunicative quack who looked like he couldn't wait to get me out the door. To get to see the local witch doctor you now have to phone, explain to the receptionist whats wrong with you if i knew that I wouldn't need a bloody doctor then said doc phones you back and asks you AGAIN what up with you, then if he deems you get an appointment that day or else you have to wait! I got lucky and he said come see me in the afternoon.  Less than 5 minutes later I was spat out clutching two prescriptions one for indigestion the other some spray you squirt if your chest tightens. He admitted to being a locum just biding his time until he got an appointment for a hip replacement! Hope they are nicer to him than he was! Soon you won't see a quack, you will get some computer generated fuzzy image telling you what's wrong with you!
Hubby watching that wee Muppet Neil Oliver pretenddy historian trying to sanitise the Highland Clearances!
No photos just a quick picture of Pene.

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