Big Hill

By bighill

Back at it....

my first market of the season and it was intense!!!   The usual wonderful reunion with all my old buddies, some decent sales, a lassie and 2 samosas......but oh my god, it was loud!!!   along with the usual cacophony of market visitors, we had the pleasure of a lovely woman singing, but she was directly opposite my table and so i got it full blast!  it was at times, a bit overwhelming.

But it's good to be back into the swing of things!   the usual 2 hour nap followed, and now dinner is done and it's time to veg.

We have a delightful young french guy wwoofing with us...i'll blip him soon - he is a very hard working guy and we are having some lovely discussions with him.

this is one of our friends creative work...she knits these stunning fairies...they really are astonishing.

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