Photography Exhibition.

Martin Bond is an extraordinary photographer who, although he hasn't travelled extensively,  photographs people from all over the world when they visit his home town of Cambridge. When not shooting for clients, he  wanders the streets of Cambridge in search of his 'picture a day' a personal project, intended to be for a year. However, like us blippers, he got hooked and is now in his sixth year. He has photographed many famous people when they visit Cambridge. He recalls the time he was asked to photograph the 80 year old Dalai Lama, who was here to give a talk. To get the height he needed, he placed a chair on the stage and after a few frames, he lost his balance and fell off the chair, landing at the feet of His Holiness who helped him up ! To see his remarkable work, if interested, look up his site at, ( the link won't put it in the right place)  I included an extra of more photos and the graduates waiting to collect their degrees in the Senate House. The exhibition finishes Sunday 2nd July in Trinity St , Contemporary Arts. I did have permission to take a few pictures.

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