Not A Good Bargain

I wonder how many people actually take them up on this offer.

Went in to visit Mum today.

It was a beautiful day but not really warm enough for residents at the hospice to sit out in the grounds.

She has been moved into a single room with a nice view but I don't think she is ever really going to see it. She is on a morphine pump and so is sleeping virtually the whole time.

It may only be a few days since I have seen her but she has lost a lot more weight and is looking like an inmate from Belsen. Such a sorry sight.

Tomorrow my sister and I have an appointment at the bank to invoke power of atourney to make sure that we have all finances up to date as the accounts will be frozen for a short time when she dies.

Also found out that Dad has picked up a bug (not surprising really with all that is going around) which has caused his legs to become blotchy and painful so he is not walking about as he normally does.
Need to wait and see how things go with hm.

And just to add to the icing on the cake - my sister-in-law in the States has found that she has a recurrance of a tumour in her ear.
Luckily it is benign but as she is totally deaf in her other ear and only has 5% in that one she is obviously very worried that she is going to lose what little she has.

My brother must be feeling so bad at the moment.
I feel really sorry for him.

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