Astrantia major

So today's Blip is Astrantia Major - Masterwort - one of my favourite Alpine flowers, growing here in my very wet and cold UK garden.
Thanks to everyone who's popped by my journal these last few days I've been away - apologies for lack of comments - but I'm very very pleased you like my mini Alpine Adventure so much.

So... answers to yesterdays quiz...
I've named each flower starting from top left and working my way clockwise. For many I've the benefit of the original photo, having been there & some local knowledge - but a good effort from some of you - though no-one got a full house! And hey - if you didn't take part but just thought they're beautiful - then you're also right and get a pat on the back!

Sempervivum montanum - mountain houseleek, just emerging on North facing slopes, just dying off on the South.
Silene rupestris - rock campion, just everywhere!
Lilium martagon- Martagon Lily - loves the early shelter of the aplenrose.
Viola calcarata - mountain violet - a real indicator of what height you're at.
Gymnodenia conopsea - Fragrant orchid (woohoo - a first for me!)
Hypericum richeri -Alpine St. John's wort.

Extra 1
Campanula barbata - Bearded Bellflower, just starting to fade.
Veronica fruticans - Rock Speedwell, stunning when you find it.
Phyteuma hemisphericum - Globeheaded Rampion - a member of the bellflower family
Rhododendron ferrugineum- Alpenrose - turns the whole hill pink - but surprisingly hard to photograph as its so dense to get in amongst.
Gentiana acaulis - Trumpet Gentian - so many peoples striking favourite - rumoured to cure plague....
Primula hirsuta - Hairly Primrose - very very tricky id - the serations on the leaves are key for me - the sun often seems to burn off the hairs.

Extra 2
Heiracium villosum -Shaggy Hawskweed.
Astrantia minor - lesser masterwort - I definitely had the advantage of knowing this was tiny and seeing the leaves in detail.
Viola biflora - Alpine Yellow-violet - colour combined with size (not much bigger than eyebright)
Pseudorchis alba - Small-white Orchid - small but oh so beautiful.
Trifolium alpinum - Alpine Clover - a member of the legume family.
Vaccinium vitis-idaea - Lingonberry - though I've now also learned Cowberry!

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