Another day, another hospital!

B had an eye appointment at the local hospital this morning. I went with him for company and to drive home. It was a long session, 3 hrs, but after a number of thorough examinations they didn't find any abnomallities. His optician thought that his pressures were raised when seen recently.

A quick food shopping session and a tank of petrol, before heading home.

R was home alone this morning, but got on fine. We had a late lunch and then I crashed out on the settee for an hour. I'm full of beans now.

I've managed to make a couple of pencil cases this week for Max & Annie, to add to the parcel I'm sending for Max's birthday next month. (In extras)

It has rained all day, again! The garden should be well watered by now, so Pippa and Lottie are asking if it will stop soon!! They don't like wet paws :0)

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