
By Marygold

Where have all the numbers gone?

I don't often go to a supermarket for a full shop these days. It's mainly to top up on bits and pieces.

When I walked down the washing powder aisle I noticed how the prices are almost to a one at £1.00, £1.50, and thereafter multiples of 50p. Some items below a £1.00 use a wider range of numbers but I considered when I had last seen items priced at £1.13 or £1.72. It's as if those numbers have ceased to exist, adding to regular inflation by rounding numbers.

As I was polishing my shoes it occurred to me that this polish must be extremely old, priced at 29p. The intricacies of the opening catch and the features of the tin itself seem to make it even more endearing. Think I'll put it back under the stairs. It's not as if I use a lot of the stuff.

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