Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

ON the water!

For the first time since I broke my wrist, we had a gentle row in our double.  Very exciting.  Middle of the day.  Went OK.  Yea!  Not a great photo but there are 2 harbor seals on those rocks for those with eagle eyes.  (I liked the iPhone pix better than the camera, just wanted to record the water.) 

The first part of the day (after 2 cups of coffee before I got out of bed!) we spent trying to figure out the water..which right out of the well with the new pump, looks like glacial silt. (I know this because I saw a lot of that 2 weeks ago).  It’s a mystery.  It’s been a month since the new well pump was put in, and we were gone for more than 2 weeks… it should be settled.   the water guy from Galiano is not answering phone or emails (to be fair, he did phone once but it got disconnected….hours ago!) but H had a long conversation with the plumber we have used who is also mystified.  Was there an earthquake???  yes, last winter there was but the water was fine up until the new pump.   Is it down too far?  We measured both the old pipe and the amount off the new pipe —that’s not the case.  what else is different?   Any ideas?   We could get another (expensive) filter system but that won’t be instant.,  We have family coming for several weeks starting saturday.   Guess they need to be prepared to “camp” a little.  We are not out of power so its mostly inconvenient , borrowing water from the neighbor.  I suppose I could water a garden with the silty water if I ever manage to plant anything…I’m not going to get all that spoiling like before….! :-) 

Enuf about island living for now….. it’s a beautiful day and we love eating al fresco.

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