FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy


We left Callander this morning to make our way to Aviemore for the weekend.

MOH decided to take the scenic route via Loch Tay and Fortingall where we stopped off for our second visit in a week as our friends who were accompanying us had never been before.

From Fortingall, skirting Schiehallion,we followed the scenic route over the hills to Tummel Bridge then turned right and headed for Killiecrankie. On reaching the infamous A9 we headed north towards Inverness, stopping at House of Bruar for lunch.

After lunch back onto the A9 and on to Aviemore.

Majestic Schiehallion, the Fairy Hill of the Caledonians (3547 ft/1083m), is isolated from other peaks and has an almost perfect conical shape when viewed from the west.

The line of latitude midway between the most northerly and southerly points on the Scottish mainland, and the line of longitude midway between the most easterly and westerly points, intersect closely to the summit of Schiehallion causing it to be referred to as the centre of Scotland.

Due to its accessibility, ease of ascent and spectacular views, Schiehalion is very popular with hill walkers and Munro baggers. An estimated 17,500 to 20,000 walkers made the ascent in 2000.

Backblipped 10.9.12, 11.9.12, 14.9.12

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